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Issues of interest to advocates for a rational
approach to Post Carbon policies.

  • Food production
  • Alternative power generation
  • Water resources
  • Planning objectives and criteria
  • Transportation
  • Social preparation
  • Preserving and extending political democracy
  • Communications
  • International and regional peace
  • Atmospheric and climatic predictions
  • Geological resources
  • Maintaining humane policy for elderly & disabled
  • Sequestering pollutants of air, water, & earth
  • Education
  • Arts & culture
  • Industrial production
  • Etc...........

To scientists, engineers, and professionals of all academic and practical disciplines

We invite you to consider affiliating with our group.
The matters we propose for public attention are of a nature that will largely, and often adversely, affect the population of the Tampa Bay area of Florida.

Our society is the most dynamic of human history, but the accelerating events contemplated now will challenge us as never before.

People with a high level of knowledge and experience on the issues outlined on the right, can make an especially valuable contribution in the effort to educate and inform our citizens.

A plan must be devised now that will help to ease these transitions so that as much of the beneficent conditions and material well being of our present situation can be preserved, while simultaneously enabling social and technological progress.

The median future appears to impose upon us many difficult burdens, the like of which have not been encountered in recent experience. For the last half millennium, humankind has, for the most part, enjoyed a warm and nurturing natural environment; one in which we took considerable advantage. We raised the level of our understanding of the natural world and ourselves. We have used that understanding to create useful implements to make our lives comfortable, with ever expanding rights, and ever greater capabilities.

Regrettably, we have not used the time well for popularizing the scientific method, critical thinking, and attaining higher standards overall of educational achievement. We have failed to foresee the limits of our resources, or the consequences of our profligate, and often wanton consumption of the natural environment.

Now, conditions have arisen that seem to provide a powerful urgency to prepare ourselves to deal with a multifaceted crises that brooks no procrastination. Nor will it reward any but the most honest, direct, and precise assessments of our situation.

Our purpose is to build this organization as an Advocacy and Educational Center for the study of the environmental crises, and dissemination of the most accurate, timely, and useful information about it, and how Florida and the Tampa Bay area may best meet it. For this, a corp of experienced professionals from a variety of disciplines is needed.

We mean to engage the leadership and citizenry of this community to learn as much as possible, undertake remedial provisions for the immediate problems, and lay the foundations for a new social and economic structure that will sustain a culture in balance.

Please join us. Contact us through the portals on your right.

Thank You.

For more information, contact:
Tampa Bay Post Carbon Council
9654 W. Linebaugh Ave. PMB#110
Tampa, Florida 33626


                                                   Or, E-mail us Here.
